New Study Reports Link Between Broadband Adoption and Increased Revenues
Estimates 2.1 Million Businesses Lack Broadband Service
An interesting new study released by Connected Nation states businesses who subscribe to broadband report higher business revenues than nonsubscribers. According to the study, businesses who adopted broadband reported median annual revenues of $200,000 more than businesses not using broadband. Businesses with broadband subscriptions that maintain a company website reported median annual revenues $400,000 higher than businesses with no broadband service
Surprisingly, despite the potential for increased revenues with broadband adoption, only 72% of businesses subscribe to broadband service. That is an estimated 2.1 million businesses nationwide without broadband service. The healthcare sector reported the lowest broadband adoption rate, with only 63% of business reporting broadband service.
The study was conducted in Alaska, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.
View the full report from Connected Nation here.