As Lehi and Draper, commonly referred to as the Point of the Mountain, move forward to move the Draper Prison site to another location in west Salt Lake City, community and business leaders are working to ensure that appropriate infrastructure is in place to meet the needs of new developments.
The Point of the Mountain area is already home to high-technology firms and continues to grow. A prediction of billions of dollars is slated for economic growth in that area in the next 30 years. The vision of this area is to be an acclaimed job center with a high quality of life for its residents. The space left by the prison will allow more commercial and residential areas to become available.
Stakeholders that are crucial to that area and have been involved in its phases of planning include Salt Lake County, transportation organizations such as UDOT and UTA, many educational institutions, EDCUtah, and of course, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development. Three phases have been outlined to gain optimal growth within that area. Phase 2 of the Point of the Mountain Development Commission is currently being used to evaluate potential scenarios for the next couple years. These include residential and commercial development, transportation projects, and job growth and workforce development.
Stakeholders have focused on the possibility of that area becoming another educational hub since it is located in the middle of University of Utah and Brigham Young University. The public is concerned with the quality of buildings, homes, and especially public space when the prison moves. Over the next 30 years into 2050, these concerns are being addressed constantly and appropriate stakeholders are being pulled in to meetings to allow optimal future development of the Point of the Mountain.
On July 11, the Lehi Council had a meeting to discuss Education, Workforce Development, and Technology. They briefly discussed the partnerships that the Internet of Things (IoT), the connection of devices to the internet, that will bring into education and workforce at the Point of the Mountain area. Cutting edge broadband services will be essential to create better business practices and promote national and international businesses to come to Utah. Not only will education and the workforce benefit from broadband but also the transportation system in that area. Transportation and broadband often work together for a quality experience on TRAX and FrontRunner trains. Most importantly, it will improve the quality of life for those who not only work but live and play in the Point of the Mountain area.