Industry Association to Hold Learning Exchange Event

Pete CodellaBusiness

The Utah Advanced Materials + Manufacturing Initiative is holding its CrossTalk event on March 25, 2020.

This all-day learning event includes presentations, discussions and networking breaks where attendees have opportunities to learn from industry leaders and experts.

Event Details

When:March 25, 2020
Time:10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where:Salt Lake Community College–Miller Campus
Cost:$6 for attendance, $15 attendance + lunch

Who Should Come

  • Industry employees and managers
  • Business development teams, R&D teams, researchers and engineers
  • Higher education faculty and students
  • Government/ Civic/ Service providers and anyone else interested in the advanced materials and manufacturing industry in Utah


Register for the CrossTalk event here.

Register for the Wasatch Front Materials Exposition here.

This event is held in conjunction with the Utah SAMPE Wasatch Front Materials Expo immediately the following CrossTalk in the same location from 4 to 8 p.m.

The exposition is Utah’s largest advanced materials expo with 62 vendors and 450 attendees. It includes free food and admission.

CrossTalk and WFMExpo are two separate events. Attendees must RSVP separately for each event.