Alf Engen Ski Museum: Safely allowing you to explore one of Utah’s favorite past times

Kaitlyn ClarkeIn Utah

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Alf Engen Ski Museum: Safely allowing you to explore one of Utah’s favorite past times

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The Alf Engen Ski Museum’s mission is to preserve the ski industry’s rich heritage and share that history with the public. The museum showcases the rich history of skiing in the intermountain region, from its popular school field trip programs to everyday visitors.

On March 15, 2020, much like the rest of the world, the Alf Engen Ski Museum closed its doors in response to the COVID pandemic. Even though they couldn’t open their doors to guests, museum staff kept in touch with the public via social media, video webinars, and live streaming. After an extended 10 week closure, the museum reopened its doors thanks to newly implemented safety procedures. 

As locals and families began to return to everyday activities, the public started visiting the museum celebrating the region with the Greatest Snow on Earth®. Now, thanks to careful planning and preparation, museum visitor levels are almost back to pre-pandemic levels. Guests are receptive to experiencing the museum’s cultural exhibits through a safe and interactive environment, which the Alf Engen Ski Museum provides. 

The Alf Engen Ski Museum is open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Visit or for more information.
