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“Our goal was to raise $12,000 to produce two batches of cheddar to be donated to the Utah Food Bank, but by the end of the campaign, we raised $30,064 and were able to produce 6,750 pounds of cheese to donate instead,” said Pat Ford, co-founder of Beehive Cheese. “The campaign received national news coverage on the Today Show for its innovative approach to community service.”
Project Promontory was featured by the Today Show thanks to a pitch made by the Utah Office of Tourism.
In early July, Beehive Cheese began making and packaging the cheese for the Utah Food Bank. Donations from Project Promontory were used to pay for the cost of buying milk from Wade’s Dairy in Ogden and to pay the cheesemakers to craft the cheese. No profit was made from the cheese produced for the Project Promontory donation to the Utah Food Bank.
Throughout 2020, Beehive Cheese produced and donated a total of 131,050 pounds of cheese to Utah and Idaho food pantries with Dairy West’s Curds + Kindness program and supporters of Beehive Cheese.
“The generosity and support from the community have been a lifeline for our small artisan creamery,” said Britton Welsh, president of Beehive Cheese. “Programs like Project Promontory and Curds + Kindness, along with the CARES Act, have made it possible for us to keep our doors open to our employee family,” said Welsh. “The community support we’ve received has given us renewed hope for the future, even in a time of so many unknowns. The state of Utah has shown its generosity, and we’re incredibly grateful.”
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