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With applications built on the most robust data sets available to companies, the Get Back To Work Command Center enables users to easily monitor specific geographic regions to decide how and when to open individual offices, and whether or not to visit customers.
The application leverages contact tracing data to minimize the spread of COVID-19, temperature data to encourage potentially sick employees to stay home, and facility data to give peace of mind about workplace safety.
The Get Back To Work Command Center, and the applications that power it, automate processes that send out real-time alerts. For example, a particular office area needs to be cleaned more thoroughly, and the facilities team receives a notification.
At the same time, executives can access the Command Center to stay on top of key metrics as everyone gets safely back to work, and employees can take comfort in knowing that the business is not only monitoring what needs to be monitored but also taking the appropriate actions.
In a pandemic with variables that shift from region to region, industry to industry, and office to office, decision-makers must have access to as much information as possible. Through democratizing data, Domo helps decisions become localized and responsive to the people they impact day in, day out.
Domo CEO Josh James said, “Moving quickly is critical in this time, and may be the difference between organizations that make it and those that don’t. It’s up to everyone to be part of the solution to help crush the curve and get us all back to work.”
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