New In Utah Campaign Swag Store

Kaitlyn ClarkeIn Utah

The Governor’s Office of Economic Development, in coordination with RUMOR Advertising, is managing the In Utah education and information campaign to help Utahns make healthy choices and form connections between consumers, businesses and experiences in Utah.

In Utah is a Legislative initiative managed by GOED using federal CARES Act money as part of the state’s coronavirus pandemic response.

Recently, the campaign launched an In Utah store. The store offers custom hats, t-shirts and stickers, all made in Utah. Shirts are screen printed and available in three colors with an assortment of Utah activity logos to select from printed on the front. Classic trucker caps are also available for purchase with a variety of Utah activity logos printed on the front. In Utah custom, die-cut vinyl stickers are also available for purchase with more than 30 designs to choose from.

The store is available from the page. It’s set-up for bulk orders of 25 or more items, providing a portal for businesses and organizations to secure In Utah items for team members or events.

Partner organizations can join the In Utah campaign, share success stories, post using #InUtah on social media, use campaign logos and graphics, and provide In Utah swag to their constituents.

Partners can also co-brand with In Utah, creating one-of-a-kind items for events or employee’s use.

Please contact us at [email protected] with any campaign or store feedback or questions.