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Its wellness and beauty practices are deeply rooted in nature, and physical transformations achieved in its sacred spaces are amplified with spiritual growth and emotional healing.
“Little did we know we would be faced with the coronavirus pandemic a mere seven months after the grand opening of our business,” said owner David Greenholtz. “But, we’re actually growing our business as a result of COVID-19.”
Rather than worrying about what might be, the Aveda Spa Salon, with help from the state of Utah, created solutions to help the business and pivoted its offerings so residents and visitors in Park City could enjoy discounts on spa services.
The business proactively joined the re-opening committee for Summit County and saw first-hand the changes made to keep staff and guests safe. PuraVida On Main rushed to get personal protective equipment and created new processes for the ‘new normal.’ The state’s Shop in Utah grant, which provides businesses with funding, and half of the funds help give discounts to guests, was utilized.
“The grant translated to us adding 40% more employees, boosting revenue, and is helping us reach a new base of customers for our long-term success,” adds Greenholtz.
PuraVida On Main Next updated and added services for locals and streamlined its offerings.” The state of Utah has done a tremendous job in helping small businesses,” noted Greenholtz. “As we were growing our business and re-opening, the Shop in Utah grant was a game-changer.”
For PuraVida On Main, employee well-being is top-of-mind, and they take great pride in having content staff. “I moved to town and took a second job while building my business, but after two weeks, my books have been full, I love my career,” said stylist Prisiclla Montana.
Contact Information
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