The U.S. Department of Transportation(DOT) released its 2023 SBIR/ STTR Phase I solicitation. The DOT SBIR programs solicit proposals from small businesses to pursue research on and develop innovative solutions to the nation’s transportation challenges.
U.S. DOT’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) fiscal year (FY23) Phase I solicitation is open through March 7, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. MT.
All proposals must respond to a specific topic in an open solicitation to be considered for an award; U.S. DOT does not consider unsolicited offers.
Research topics are organized into four sections:
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- 23-FH1: Addressing Stormwater Runoff with a Self-Contained Portable Treatment System
- 23-FH2: Traffic Monitoring and In Situ Information Processing Using Edge Computing
- Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
- 23-FR1: Concrete Crosstie Inspection Technology
- 23-FR2: Novel Design for Passenger Railcar Glazing Securement
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
- 23-NH1: Child Presence Detection CO2 Release Test Device
- 23-NH2: Immersive Virtual Reality Training on Impaired Driving for Law Enforcement
- Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
- 23-PH1: Bioremediation for Hazardous Material Spills
- 23-PH2: Integrated RFID Trackers and Sensors for Hazardous Material Communication in Transportation
- 23-PH3: Portable State-of-Charge Sensor for Lithium Batteries
- 23-PH4: Wearable PPE-integrated Sensors for First Responders
Pitch Day Opportunity
The most favorably rated offers for the respective research topics (per Section III.D) may have an opportunity to make a virtual oral presentation to the Government promoting its offer. Pitch Day is scheduled on or around May 8-11, 2023. For more information, see Section III.D.
U.S. DOT notifies applicants of their award status via a secure system within 90 days of the solicitation close.
For the complete solicitation please visit: DOT FY23 SBIR