R&D funding opportunities for innovators with COVID-19 solutions from the National Science Foundation (NSF)

Pete CodellaUtah Innovation Center

There are several new opportunities for research related to COVID-19. The Utah SBIR Center is available to assist Utah small businesses applying to these opportunities. Contact the Utah SBIR Center for more information.

National Science Foundation

Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) NSF 20-052

This DCL encourages submission to NSF using RAPID funds – all processes remain including registrations and the Project Pitch.


Dear Colleague Letter: Request for SBIR/STTR Phase I Proposals Addressing COVID-19 – NSF 20-065

This DCL encourages submission of research related to COVID-19 research projects. Again all processes remain in place including registrations and Project Pitch. NSF is committed to expediting review, with the hope of awards within six weeks of proposal receipt.


Other Opportunities for Innovators with COVID-19 Solutions

Department of Health and Human Services