R&D funding opportunities for innovators with COVID-19 solutions

Pete CodellaUtah Innovation Center

Many agencies that participate in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are extending their deadlines to accommodate disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic and/or incorporating COVID-19-related topics into their SBIR and STTR programs. There are also several other opportunities for federal research and development funding related to COVID-19. Check out the links below to learn more about what each funding agency is doing to address the crisis.

The Utah SBIR Center is available to assist Utah small businesses applying to these opportunities. Contact the Utah SBIR Center for more information.

The Utah SBIR Center assists small businesses statewide to apply for the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) funding programs, giving Utah technology-oriented companies a distinct advantage in today’s competitive environment. To learn more, visit the Utah SBIR Center homepage.