Utah Innovation Center Welcomes National SBIR Expert for Seminar Series

Kaitlyn ClarkeUtah Innovation Center

The Utah Innovation Center (UIC) welcomes Jim Greenwood of Greenwood Consulting Group for a virtual seminar series focused on Phase II proposals, cost proposals, and government accounting. The series supports small businesses in the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. 

The specifics of the two-day series are listed below:

Phase II Proposal Preparation
Webinar- Jan. 25, 2023 

Already have a Phase I award? Please prepare to submit your Phase II proposal. Learn how Phase II differs from Phase I and how to put the Phase II proposal together. This webinar focuses on the all-important commercialization portion of the Phase II proposal.

SBIR/STTR Cost Proposal & Government Accounting
Webinar- Feb. 28, 2023

Join the UIC for this half-day intensive workshop on SBIR/STTR cost proposals and government accounting. Attendees will learn how to make sense of the SBIR/STTR cost proposal’s perplexing world and how to keep records to the government’s satisfaction when you win an SBIR award. Learn how to develop an indirect rate, what to expect in government audits, and decipher government accounting terminology. This one-of-a-kind workshop is valuable for applicants or government contracts and grant recipients. 

About Jim Greenwood

Jim Greenwood is a nationally recognized instructor for SBIR/STTR programs. He and his wife Gail have been involved in the SBIR program since its inception in 1983. They educate businesses about SBIR/STTR opportunities, teach them how to write competitive technical and cost funding proposals, and offer individuals assistance, including draft proposal reviews and brainstorming on proposal strategy and content. They instructed thousands of entrepreneurs in 48 states and Puerto Rico. 

In 1996, they received a prestigious Tibbetts Award from the U.S. Small Business Administration for their contributions to SBIR counseling and training. They originated the “SBIR/STTR Matrix,” which shows how these programs differ among the 11 participating Federal agencies. In 2013, the duo was designated as “champions of small business” by the Small Business Technology Council for their efforts during the 2011 reauthorization. They also are regular instructors of Phase I and Phase II proposal preparation workshops at national and regional conferences.

This series is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

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