NTIA Guide to Broadband Federal Funding

Pete CodellaBroadband

2000px-US-NationalTelecommunicationsAndInformationAdministration-Logo.svgIn September, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) released its latest guide to Federal funding available specific to broadband related development. BroadbandUSA: Guide to Federal Funding of Broadband Projects is an overview but delivers important updates related to eligibility and available funding.

NTIA recommends that readers pay close attention to the purpose of each program, potential restrictions on funding and rules for eligibility. As the NTIA mission states, “the BroadbandUSA initiative is dedicated to helping communities achieve their broadband missions.” These funding programs are available to Utah providers and for assistance finding out more information on how to apply, please contact our offices.

We are also pleased to announce that NTIA/Broadband USA will be sending two representatives to present at the 2015 Broadband Tech Summit on October 14 at the Utah Valley Convention Center. Brian Gibbons, Senior Communications Policy Specialist and Andy Spurgeon, Director of Operations will be presenting on broadband development around the country. Visit the 2015 Broadband Tech Summit website to register and find out more about the Summit!

Click here to read the full report.