Business Elevated Podcast (Season 5 Episode 18)
This podcast series features business and government leaders discussing what it’s like to live and work in the great state of Utah.
The Business Elevated podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.
This episode features conversations with recipients of the Utah Governor’s Medal for Science and Technology. The three medal winners are Lora Gibbons (K-12 education), Dr. Julie Valentine, Ph.D., RN, SANE-A, FAAN (Academic/Research), and Dr. David Bearss (Industry).
Listen as Pete Codella, managing director of business services at the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, interviews the award winners as they discuss their background, experience, and what it means to be recognized this year by Gov. Cox with the Governor’s Science Medal.
Gibbons informs listeners about how she became involved in STEM education in elementary schools and her experiences helping students assemble science fair projects. She also elaborates on how the gender gap in STEM has narrowed, how more women are earning degrees than men, and what receiving the 2023 Governor’s Medal for Science and Technology in the K-12 education category means to her.
Next, Valentine tells listeners how her experience as a nurse and her groundbreaking research on sexual assault is influencing statewide improvements to address sexual violence and shares what changes she has seen in Utah due to her research. She also discusses how Utah compares to other states regarding sexual assault and what being recognized with Gov. Cox’s Medal for Science and Technology in the academic and research category means to her.
Bearss explains how he became involved in researching and developing new therapeutics that enhance lives and what area of his research has been most impactful. He also tells listeners what lessons he learned from participating in clinical studies, details his work with the Huntsman Cancer Institute, and shares what receiving the Governor’s Medal for Science and Technology in the industry category means to him.