Business Elevated Podcast (Season 6 Episode 39)
This podcast series features business and government leaders discussing what it’s like to live and work in the great state of Utah.
The Business Elevated podcast is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
In this episode, Pete Codella, managing director of business services at the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, talks with Claudia Loayza, Magnify Utah program manager at the Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs.
Loayza describes her background as a child of Latin American immigrants and her focus on creating generational wealth and community engagement. She explains her work with Magnify Utah, a project that connects and celebrates Utah’s diverse communities by highlighting resources, stories, and cultural landmarks. She emphasizes the importance of inclusive urban planning, equitable resource access, and intentional storytelling in strengthening Utah’s multicultural reach.
Loayza highlights the mission and impact of Magnify Utah’s website, designed to highlight personal stories, community profiles, and resources that promote inclusivity and community building in Utah. The website serves as a central hub to help residents — including immigrants, veterans, and corporate transplants — integrate and thrive. She also emphasizes the state’s rich heritage of welcoming newcomers and the growing diversity that shapes its future. Loayza highlights Utah’s strong sense of community and shared values, making it attractive for entrepreneurship.