Podcast: Felecia Maxfield-Barrett — Building a More Interconnected World

Kaitlyn ClarkeBusiness Elevated Podcast

Business Elevated Podcast (Season 6 Episode 14)

This podcast series features business and government leaders discussing what it’s like to live and work in the great state of Utah.

The Business Elevated podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.



In this episode, Pete Codella, managing director of business services at the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, talks with Felecia Maxfield-Barrett, president and CEO of Utah Global Diplomacy.

She discusses her deep roots in Utah and her journey through various roles that ultimately led to her current position. Born and raised in American Fork, Utah, Maxfield-Barrett shares how her college experience at Southern Utah University shaped her understanding of the importance of mentorship and guidance. Her early career involved working with the refugee population in Utah, where she played a crucial role in helping refugees access essential services. This experience ignited her passion for community service and international relations.

The duo discuss the economic and social benefits of Utah Global Diplomacy’s efforts. The organization contributes to Utah’s economy by bringing in international visitors who support local businesses and enhance the state’s cultural and social fabric by facilitating meaningful exchanges between Utah residents and global dignitaries. Maxfield-Barrett emphasizes the unique position of Utah as a hub for international relations, bolstered by its diverse population and strong community spirit.