100th episode

Podcast: Celebrating 100 Episodes With an Office Update

Kaitlyn ClarkeBusiness Elevated Podcast

Business Elevated Podcast (Season 4 Episode 31)

This podcast series features business and government leaders discussing what it’s like to live and work in the great state of Utah.

The Business Elevated podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.



This is the 100th episode of the Business Elevated podcast. Go Utah executives joined the podcast to celebrate the milestone and discuss the office’s work and team. Executive Director Dan Hemmert discussed what providing economic opportunity for Utahns means to the Cox/Henderson administration and the work of the 90+ employees in the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity.

Ryan Starks, managing director of business services, detailed the office’s programs supporting Utah entrepreneurs, small businesses, targeted industries, and Utahns in urban and rural areas. He also shares his thoughts on Utah’s successful startup and business climate.

Finally, we talk with Kori Ann Edwards, managing director of operations, about all of the Go Utah teams, about her experience joining the team just before the COVID-19 pandemic, how that changed the office’s work, and some of the grants and other programs currently available. She also shares her enthusiasm and support for the office’s work as the government-to-industry governor’s team.

Thanks for listening to the Business Elevated podcast. Feel free to contact us at business@utah.gov.