Podcast: Talking Parity and Diversity with Cathrin Stickney

Kaitlyn ClarkeBusiness Elevated Podcast

Business Elevated Podcast (Season 4 Episode 1)

This podcast series features business and government leaders discussing what it’s like to live and work in the great state of Utah. This episode includes a conversation between Pete Codella, Go Utah’s associate managing director of communications, and Cathrin Stickney, the founder and CEO of

The Business Elevated podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, YouTubeSpotify and Stitcher.



Equal representation and equal pay in the modern-day workforce are the building blocks and foundation of It’s essential that companies have a roadmap to reach gender and racial parity, track progress, and recognize diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) best practices.

Listen to Cathrin Stickney, the founder and CEO of, and Pete Codella, Go Utah’s communications director, as they discuss the difference between parity and diversity, creating a gender and racial parity dashboard, Utah’s DE&I progress, and much more.