Rural Broadband

Pell Center Advocates State-Level Broadband Policy
The Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy published an article this month, State-Level Broadband Policy: A Compendium of Resources…
September 14, 2015

FCC Commissioner Pai Announces Proposal to Reform the Universal Service Fund for Rural Providers
“Rural residents have waited long enough,” says Commissioner Ajit Pai of the Federal Communications Commission. In a statement made on June…
July 1, 2015

Jan 15 Map of the Month: Visualizing Broadband Drive Tests
The Utah Broadband Project contracted with Isotrope, LLC to perform a mobile broadband drive test along over 6,000 miles of…
January 24, 2015

USDA Seeking Comments for Programmatic Environmental Assessment
The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Utilities Service (RUS) agency is seeking public comments regarding the Programmatic Environmental Assessment…
December 8, 2014

Rural Broadband Experiments Application Due November 7
Recently, the Federal Communications Commission’s Wireline Competition Bureau released a public notice and hosted a webinar about the process for…
October 20, 2014

Utah Broadband Nonadopters Demand Study Released
The Utah Broadband Project is happy to announce the completion of the Utah Broadband Nonadopters Demand Study. The study focused…
August 22, 2014

USDA Plans to Increase Lending Opportunities for Broadband
CoBank, a cooperative bank, recently committed $10 billion to the new U.S. Rural Infrastructure Opportunity Fund. Teaming with the U.S.…
July 25, 2014

FCC Launches Rural Broadband Experiments
In an effort to increase broadband access in rural areas, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced details of its upcoming…
July 21, 2014

June 2014 Map of the Month: Broadband Funding Opportunities for Underserved Communities
The Utah Broadband Project’s June 2014 Map of the Month highlights communities that may qualify for two funding opportunities.…
June 30, 2014

May 2014 Map of the Month: Broadband Availability at Utah’s Tourist Attractions
Summer is upon us, so for the May Map of the Month series, the Project’s mapping team analyzed broadband capabilities at Visitor Centers…
May 30, 2014
Media inquiries: Please contact the office's Communications Manager, Lindsey LeBaron, at [email protected].