
Podcast: Utah’s Life Sciences Community

Kaitlyn ClarkeBusiness Elevated Podcast

Business Elevated Podcast (Season 4 Episode 25)

This podcast series features business and government leaders discussing what it’s like to live and work in the great state of Utah.

The Business Elevated podcast is available on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and Stitcher.



This episode features a conversation between Katelin Roberts, the executive director of BioHive, the fastest growing nonprofit life sciences community in the nation, and podcast host Pete Codella, Go Utah’s communications director. BioHive represents more than 1,300 life science and healthcare innovation companies devoted to life-changing interventions and economic growth.

Roberts discusses the importance of having the proper tools, tests, devices, and infrastructure in place so Utah-based companies can thrive. Listen as she highlights the rapidly evolving telehealth ecosystem, the important role local small businesses play in the life sciences ecosystem, and why it is important for Utah to strategically focus on the burgeoning life sciences industry. Roberts also discusses why Utahns who work in the industry typically earn higher wages, how having a life science hub benefits locals and individuals worldwide, her recent appointment to serve a four-year term on Go Utah’s Board, and much more.