Utah Office of Regulatory Relief

The Office of Regulatory Relief administers a general regulatory sandbox created by the Utah Legislature in 2021. The sandbox allows businesses to experiment with products, production methods, or services by temporarily waiving state law and allowing entrepreneurs to determine if customers value products that don't fit within the state's current regulatory framework.  

To participate in the sandbox, companies must complete an online application with a completed Application Questionnaire and Demonstration Proposal document. 

Please email [email protected] if you are interested in applying.

“The state of Utah was the first U.S. state to launch a general, industry-agnostic regulatory sandbox.”

- Mercatus Center at George Mason University

Using its one-stop-shop model, Homie Title has saved customers over $13 million since its admission to the regulatory sandbox.
Two municipalities in northern Utah have used the TowPro application to successfully execute over 650 emergency, non-consent tows.

    Suggestion Box

    The Office of Regulatory Relief (OOR) administers a general regulatory sandbox created by the Utah Legislature in 2021.

    Another way Utah residents and organizations can participate in the sandbox without submitting a formal application is through the suggestion box. By sharing insights and ideas, residents and organizations can influence positive change, share their diverse opinions, and contribute to a more efficient and supportive regulatory environment for all.

    Once a suggestion is submitted, the OOR and the advisory committee may evaluate the suggestion and provide analysis and recommendations regarding which state laws and regulations could be modified, eliminated, or reduced.

    Under Statue 63N-16-301 3(b), the OOR "shall ensure that private information of residents and businesses that make suggestions on the web page is not made public."

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding filling out questions for this suggestion box form, please contact [email protected].

    Submit a Suggestion

    Sandbox Participants and Current Applicants

    The regulatory relief office updates the lists of approved and pending sandbox applications, as well as previous sandbox participants, on a regular basis.

    Consumer Complaints and Feedback

    The Utah Office of Regulatory Relief monitors entities providing an offering through the regulatory sandbox to ensure that no public harm is occurring. Formal feedback and complaints are used to monitor those entities and their services. To file a complaint or provide feedback, email [email protected] with “Complaint” in the subject line. While we accept feedback and complaints, individual assistance cannot be provided to consumers seeking a resolution.

    The Office of Regulatory Relief also invites residents and businesses to make suggestions regarding laws and regulations that could be modified or eliminated to reduce the regulatory burden born by Utah residents and businesses. For suggestions, please email [email protected].

    Advisory Committee

    The General Regulatory Sandbox program has an advisory committee that advises and recommends to the Office of Regulatory Relief on whether an applicant should be admitted as a sandbox participant.
    View members

    Noncustodial Blockchain Registry

    During the 2023 legislative session, Utah passed House Bill 289 to create Utah Code §63N-16 Part 4 and, thereby, the state’s Noncustodial Blockchain Registry within the Office of Regulatory Relief. Based on the recommendation of the Blockchain and Digital Innovation Task Force, noncustodial blockchain companies can apply to be added to the registry and receive a certificate of registry from the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity.

    The Noncustodial Blockchain Registry consists of business names and their authorized agents in the state, if any.

    Learn more

    Frequently Asked Questions

    For additional questions or to schedule a consultation regarding the regulatory sandbox program, please contact the Utah Office of Regulatory Relief at [email protected].

    Sandbox News and Research

    GOEO News