97th Floor

Kaitlyn ClarkeIn Utah

97th Floor is an award-winning digital marketing agency focused on helping small businesses improve their online visibility. Composed of marketers, graphic designers, and pay-per-click specialists, the company offers a full range of digital marketing services to catapult small businesses to the front of the line. 

97th Floor Champions Women

97th Floor is defined by its people and shines as a Utah employer. With outstanding equity pay for women and women’s resource groups, it is heads above other Utah companies when it comes to championing women in business. 

In addition to flexible and remote working hours, job-sharing, paid family leave, pay equity, and its women’s employee resource groups are where the company shines. With quarterly meetings and an active slack channel dedicated to women-specific topics, females at 97th Floor have an exclusive forum to discuss career development, family hobbies, and more.  

Its profit-sharing program ensures compensation is based on results rather than on who is the best self-promoter. If the team performs well, the profit and praise land squarely on the team. The company created an objective system for pay and bonuses equitably tied to team efforts and results, not gender or title. 

Why Supporting Women Is Important to 97th Floor

97th Floor works hard to define its culture by the people it supports rather than inspirational wall quotes or free sodas in the break room. Championing women in business means understanding their work-life balance challenges and providing a flexible and supportive environment that expects results rather than a certain number of hours worked.

100 Utah Companies Championing Women

We’re proud that 97th Floor is one of the 100 Utah Companies championing women. Its dedication to equity pay and women’s resource groups demonstrates its commitment to championing women in business. 

The Inspire In Utah initiative was born from our desire to showcase companies that support empowering women in business. When Utah companies like 97th Floor make championing women part of their business model, everyone wins–businesses, women, communities, and families.