
Kaitlyn ClarkeIn Utah

Cotopaxi is an outdoor gear company that offers sustainably sourced and ethically made clothing and outdoor gear like backpacks, day bags, and travel packs. As a company, Cotopaxi is committed to both outdoor experiences and global change – including the global change needed to support women in the workplace.

How Cotopaxi Champions Women

The name Cotopaxi comes from one of the world’s highest active volcanoes in Ecuador. The mountain’s glacial streams and countless trails provide inspiration for a company that is passionate about adventure and global change. No global change would be complete without company policies that support the duality of women’s professional and family roles in today’s modern society. Raising a family and pursuing a career should not be mutually exclusive, and Cotopaxi’s supportive maternity benefits make this a reality for Utah women. With 12 weeks of paid maternity leave and up to nine weeks of paid family leave for all new parents, women at Cotopaxi have the flexibility to raise children while pursuing a career.

In addition to supportive family policies, Cotopaxi is also committed to diversity. The majority of its major investors have been women, and currently, 50% of Cotopaxi’s board members and C-suite are women. At Cotopaxi, an equal opportunity also equates to pay equity, with half of its top salaries in the company going to women.

Because equality has always been part of Cotopaxi’s mission, Utah women can build careers while still growing a young family. Cotopaxi makes sure that who you are or where you come from does not determine your success.

Why Supporting Women Is Important to Cotopaxi 

Founder and CEO Davis Smith grew up in Latin America, where he saw first-hand the hardship resulting from unequal access to opportunity. He has since dedicated himself to using business as a force for good in order to address the inequality he witnessed during his childhood. This includes not only poverty, education, and health care, but also helping women gain equal access to leadership roles and equal pay within the company.

100 Utah Companies Championing Women

At Inspire In Utah, we know that supporting Utah women in business can lead to global change on a massive scale. When both men and women are supported, a thriving community and diverse business ecosystem create a place of belonging for all, regardless of gender.

With the 100 Companies Championing Women initiative, there were an overwhelming amount of amazing responses received from Utah companies. These companies have had an incredible impact on Utah women and their families.

Want to find out how Utah businesses are championing women? Follow In Utah’s Instagram and LinkedIn profiles to read more.