On October 1, 2012, the Utah Broadband Project submitted the latest broadband mapping dataset for Utah to the NTIA. There are now 46 broadband providers in Utah working with the Project. Thirty broadband providers submitted broadband service updates for the October 1 update.
Here are a few updates of note for this round:
- This submission was the first time the Project collected mapping data from Rapidwave and TKS, two Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs). Rapidwave provides coverage in southern Salt Lake County and northern Utah County, and TKS provides coverage in Washington County.
- Another noteworthy update is that Strata Networks, a local broadband provider in the Uintah Basin, added 4G coverage to their mobile wireless service area. Other wireless coverage areas improved as advertised speeds increased. The Project also worked with wireless providers to create more accurate representations of their coverage area.
- DSL coverage improved in some neighborhoods statewide as DSL broadband providers updated their equipment and CenturyLink slightly expanded their DSL coverage area.
- Many fiber providers increased the speeds they are advertising to consumers through their fiber networks, and Strata Networks, South Central Communications, All West Communications, and Baja Broadband all increased their fiber footprint.
All mapping data has been updated on our interactive map and other map resources page.
Also of Note–Broadband coverage metrics as of October 1, 2012 are now available through this Google document. As displayed in a screenshot of the ‘Countywide’ tab below, these statistics on broadband availability will be an important tool for addressing broadband availability throughout Utah. Please note there are multiple tabs at the bottom with different information (for example, statistics can be organized by county, city, tribal area, etc.).