The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is asking for comment on its Proposed Framework for the Community Connectivity Self-Assessment Tool. Details about the Self-Assessment Tool were published to the Federal Register on June 28, 2016. The tool covers four main categories: 1) Broadband Access and Assets; 2) Digital Inclusion and Skills; 3) Policy and Funding; and 4) Community Priorities.
The Community Connectivity Initiative (CCI) was part of NTIA’s launch of BroadbandUSA in January 2015. BroadbandUSA provides technical assistance and resources to support communities around the U.S. that are working to improve broadband availability. CCI acts as the outreach arm of BroadbandUSA, working to increase the number of communities assessing broadband availability and providing support to local leaders.
CCI’s Self-Assessment Tool will use an online platform that allows a community to assess its progress along the lines of Access, Adoption, Policy, and Use. The information gathered through various communities’ use of the tool will also help the NTIA synthesize feedback from multiple communities. This analysis will help CCI provide more informed and targeted support of communities working to improve local broadband.
Comments must be submitted on or before August 29, 2016.
The link to the Federal Register can be found here: