The Navy is presenting a preview of its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) topics for the upcoming Department of Defense (DoD) 21.1/A SBIR/STTR Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). The topics in this preview are unofficial and subject to change.
The BAA is inclusive of 98 standard Navy SBIR topics, 2 Direct to Phase II topics, and 22 STTR topics from 7 of the Navy’s System Commands (SYSCOMs).
Official DoD and Navy 21.1/A BAA instructions, registration, and submission guidance will be available starting December 8, 2020 at the following sites:
Submissions & Registrations Topics & Instructions DoD Topic Search & SITIS |
Proposals are due February 18, 2021.
If you are a Utah small business owner and intend to apply or have questions about this funding opportunity, please contact the Utah Industry and Innovation Center at