Wasatch Ionics, a Utah-based company, was awarded a Phase I contract from the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) through the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. The company, led by Mr. Javier Alvaré, is partnering with Dr. Dean Wheeler at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah to work on the development of a battery technology to improve the energy density storage capacity of handheld radio batteries used by the US Military. This new battery technology will reduce the number of times warfighters must switch batteries during missions and reduce the weight of carried items during missions.
Wasatch Ionics’ mission is to combine science and business to create a pathway towards commercialization of innovative game-changing solutions. Through SBIR/STTR funding and working on commercialization from these awards, Mr. Alvaré sees a promising future for Wasatch Ionics.
The Utah Innovation Center team worked closely with Wasatch Ionics during the proposal process and has provided the company gap funding for two separate projects under the Utah Technology Innovation Funding non-recourse loan program.
To learn more about the exciting work Wasatch Ionics is doing, watch Javier Alvaré and Dr. Dean Wheeler in one of the Utah Innovation Center’s latest success stories.
Companies interested in pursuing non-dilutive R&D funding through the federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs can contact the Utah Innovation Center at innovationutah@utah.gov.