Main Street Program

Main Street America Project Revitalizes Communities

Pete CodellaArticles, Center for Rural Development, News

The Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity is pleased to announce a new initiative called the Utah Main Street Program that helps Utah communities revitalize their economy, appearance, and image of their downtown commercial districts. Go Utah’s Center for Rural Development office administers this program.

“Utah’s Main Streets play a critical role in the economic vitality of the state’s economy,” said Ryan Starks, Go Utah’s managing director of Business Services. “This program provides a framework, the resources, and funding for neighborhoods to encourage small business growth and positive community development.”    

The Utah Main Street program is part of a national Main Street America movement, and Utah is participating in the program with pilot projects in Brigham City and Price.

Main Street America is a community-driven, unique preservation-based economic development tool enabling communities to revitalize downtown and neighborhood business districts by leveraging local assets—from historical, cultural, and architectural resources to local enterprises and community pride. 

“Just about everyone benefits from a community Main Street program,” said Nan Anderson, Go Utah Rural Outreach and Main Street Program manager. “The Utah Main Street program advances the interests of businesses, residents, and local governments with increased revenues, goods, and services. It is a win-win-win for everyone.”

The Main Street Approach™ methodology includes three integrated components.

  • The vision provides a foundation outlining the community’s identity,
  • Expectations and ideals for future development, while being grounded in
  • An understanding of the economic market realities of the district.

Transformation strategies identify long-term and short-term actions that provide a clear sense of priorities and direction to help move a community closer to implementing its vision. 

“People are at the center of the Main Street movement. Everyone benefits from a healthy local economy and historic core that reflects the community’s heritage and personality,” adds Anderson.

Main Street Program Advisory Committee members include:

Jay Aguilar, Utah Department of Transportation

Chris Anderson, Partner at Durham, Jones & Pinegar

Nan Anderson, Go Utah Rural Outreach and Main Street Program manager

Geri Gamber, Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments

Tracy Hansford, Department of Heritage and Arts

Keith Heaton, Housing and Community Development Division

Paul Larsen, Brigham City Community and Economic Development

Bianca Lyon, Utah Office of Tourism

Kelsey Maas, Preservation Utah

Lenise Peterman,  Helper City Mayor

Roger Roper, State Historic Preservation Office

Maria Twitchell, Cedar City Historic District/Visit Cedar City-Brianhead