Business Elevated Podcast (Season 5 Episode 38)
This podcast series features business and government leaders discussing what it’s like to live and work in the great state of Utah.
The Business Elevated podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.
In this episode, Pete Codella, managing director of business services at the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, talks with Rob Hitchcock, president and CEO of Select Health.
They discuss Hitchcock’s journey from being born and raised in Utah to his 25-plus-year career in the healthcare industry. He reflects on his transition from wanting to attend law school to finding his niche in the health insurance industry. Hitchcock emphasizes the unique approach of Select Health, a community-focused nonprofit health plan owned by Intermountain Health, and the company’s integration of clinical services and financing to align incentives aiming to improve overall community health.
Hitchcock discusses the company’s mission to improve the health of the communities and highlights its commitment to providing services to diverse populations. He shares his vision for the organization’s future, focusing on Select Health’s long-term sustainability, commitment to affordability, maintaining a high standard of quality, and more.