STEM Action Center-Funded Math Digital Learning Software Increases Student Proficiency
Students across the state using math digital learning programs available through Utah STEM Action Center grants had a greater level…
December 7, 2016
Carnegie Mellon’s CREATE Lab Expands Education Network to Utah
The Utah STEM Action Center (STEM AC) is partnering with Carnegie Mellon University’s Community, Robotics, Education and Technology Empowerment (CREATE)…
August 2, 2016
Utah Tech Industry Leaders Team Up with Local Schools to Expand Access to Computer Science and STEM Learning
Utah’s tech industry is helping educate Utah students and expand access to computer science learning. In one project, more than…
May 20, 2016
Students Experience STEM Through Hands-on Activities at Utah’s Second Annual STEM Fest
second annual STEM fest to held…
January 28, 2016
Utah’s STEM Industry Invited to Participate in STEM Fest 2016
STEM fest will double 2015…
October 27, 2015
Grants Available for Students Participating in STEM Fairs, Camps and Competitions
Applications are due Friday, Oct 30…
October 6, 2015
Utah STEM Action Center Partners with NDIA/AIA for STEM Call-to-Action Forum
An opportunity for educators and industry stakeholders…
August 18, 2015
How STEM Skills Can Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired
One of the age-old questions of any graduating college student is that of how to find a job upon, or…
June 26, 2015
Utah STEM Action Center holds a STEM Best Practices Conference
The conference will highlight Utah projects…
June 22, 2015
Recipients of the STEM Innovation Awards Announced
The STEM Action Center will hold their first STEM Innovation Awards in partnership with Utah Technology Council at their annual…
April 30, 2015
Media inquiries: Please contact the office's Communications Manager, Lindsey LeBaron, at