GOED Announces 2021 Impacted Small Business Catalyst Grant
$15 million in grant funds available…
April 6, 2021

Wearing Face Masks Protects You and Others
According to a University of Utah study…
December 16, 2020

GOED Announces COVID-19 Live Events Grant
$3 million in grant funds available…
December 11, 2020

Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation Announces Responsible Winter Recreation Campaign
Campaign emphasizes six main principles…
November 16, 2020

Healthy In Utah and Smith’s Food & Drug Partner To Offer Flu Shots
More than 240 flu shots given…
October 16, 2020

New Updates to the State’s COVID-19 Commercial Rental Assistance Program
Over $15 million available…
September 1, 2020

Scholarships Helps Veterans Re-Skill for a Career in Technology
Two scholarships offered…
August 13, 2020

Utah-Based Company Offers Medical-Grade Disinfecting Services
Keeping businesses and homes safe, one customer at a time…
August 12, 2020

New ‘Learn & Work In Utah’ Programs Available for Enrollment
Individuals can now signup and enroll at a higher education institution…
August 11, 2020

COVID-19 Impacted Businesses Grant Program On Hold
Awaiting additional funds…
August 5, 2020
Media inquiries: Please contact the office's Communications Manager, Lindsey LeBaron, at [email protected].